Rabu, 16 Desember 2015

summary ITSCL (Indonesia Transport Suppy chain and Logistic 2015

Indonesia Transport Supply Chain and Logistic 2015 is being held at Jakarta International Expo ,Kemayoran Hall B.

Exhibition dates and times :
wednesday 7 October 2015 10:00am  - 6:00pm
thursday     8  October 2015 10:00am - 6:00pm
friday         9  October 2015 10:00am - 5:00pm

there are so many companies of transport,supply chain, logistics and also some ministy that participated in this exhibition from Indonesia,Malaysia,South korea,Singapore,Holland,Japan,China,etc.
The interested part is there are some companies that exhibiting such as forklift,hand pallet,container,convayer belt,rack,pallet etc.

Senin, 14 Desember 2015

Indonesia Transport Exhibition in 2015 “strengthen safety and quality of public transport services”

On September 17, 2015 also coincides as the day of National Transportation, we are students of STMT Trisakti classes Diploma logistics management and Material A 2014 amounted to 43 people attending the exhibition transportation Indonesia in 2015 and also attended a seminar on the theme strengthen the safety and quality of transport services public. The location is in the SMESCO Building, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 94, South Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, 12780.

  •        Speaker : Mr.Soelistiyo (BASARNAS )
“ explaination about BASARNAS “

Basarnas task ( UU No.29 tahun 2014 tentang pencarian dan pertolongan ) is the search for the accident, disaster, dangerous human condition. BASARNAS as LPNK responsible to the president.
there are three actions taken BASARNAS namely preventive action, repressive action and actions evaluative

  • Speaker : Mr. Hans Nugroho (  commander of PT Citilink )
          “ explaination about Service and safety are preferred”

·         Safety , keeping the safety on land and at sea during the flight
·         Security , keeping security in airports and on planes
·         Quality , Quality from safety system

There are 8 of growth citilink, first is the availability of a fleet of flying, the schedule on time, aciliary revenue, based airlines, creating a shocking brand, has a distribution channel / extensive network, operational savings plane and the back office and the last one is to appreciate the world of aviation / passionate human resource.

  •  speaker :Mr Yogi (from PT KAI)
      “explained about the government's role in improving the quality of service of transport modes OF trains”.
Train is a national system which adheres to the number of mass transportation.Operasional consists of safe, secure and comfortable .Needs of rail transport of passengers and goods increased by economic growth and the population .one of PT.KAI plan in 2015-2019 that share the railway for passenger transport 7.5% and 5% This type of freight trains on 2015 that there is a locomotive, KRL, KRD. 2018 will be completed MRT, LRT and APMS, TRAM.

  •         Speaker : Mr. Commissioner Pol DRS.Unggul Sedyantoro, Msi as Korlantas Police
“Explaination about safety and service quality of public transport”
he said that the safety and quality of public transport services is an element in the welfare of society .In the Presidential Instruction 4 In 2013, the police have the task of maintaining the safety behavior And also the safety of the participation of all parties .There are three elements in safety, the human element, the element of the vehicle and elements road.But number of accidents always increase. He also explained the SIM Online.

  •         Speaker :Mr. M.Wahyu Wibowo as director of risk management and information technology.
“ explaination about role and functions of Jasa Raharja "

 he explains the role and functions of Jasa Raharja, which counts the compensation to the people who have accident. And stipulated in Law No.33 of 1964 on compulsory accident insurance fund passengers.


Maria Priscilia

Selasa, 10 November 2015

government policies logistics and equipment in disaster countermeasures

  • In Law No.24 / 2007:
natural disasters is a series of events that threaten and disrupt the lives and livelihoods caused by either natural factors, non-natural or human. so causing loss of life, environmental damage, property loss and psychological impact.

natural disasters because of natural factors eg volcanic eruptions, landslides, tsunami, earthquakes, etc. and natural disasters caused by human factors such as floods, fires, etc

And Indonesia has BNPB (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Alam ) / natural disaster countermeasures agencies.BNPB help in the prevention before natural disasters occur or when giving assistance to the victims of the disaster

and there are three pillars doer of disaster countermeasures , namely:
- Government / local government
- civil society
- Business institutions / sectors
  • logistics management system equipment
1. inventory needs
2. procurement
3. warehousing
4. The distribution and transport
5. The reception at the destination
6. deletion
7. accountability

Name : Maria Priscilia
class : DIII Management of logistics and material 2014



logistics cluster diveded into three there are :
-          goverment
-          trade world
-          society
logistics cluster as a comunnication center when before happen nature disaster.

terms of reference of the logistics cluster
- integration
- meetings
- The division of the fundamental tasks
- Inventory database
- Building a computer network
- Strengthening the capacity (trainning,  workshops, seminars, etc.
- TTX (exercise indoors)
- simulation
- Socialization of policies related to logistics
- Re-construction in the field of logistics
- Record the policy in the field of logistics
- Rapid assessment (in the field of logistics and equipment)
- Emergency communication
- Coordination between clusters
- Resources maaping

(at grand cemara hotel,Menteng,Central Jakarta)

name : Maria Priscilia
Class : DIII Management of logistics and material 2014

Jumat, 06 November 2015

General Discussion at STMT TRISAKTI

General Discussion at STMT TRISAKTI JAKARTA
"E-commerce impact to Logistics Industry in Indonesia"

Moderator: R. Rahmat Didiet Hidayat
1. Mrs. Ventya Gemma
2. Mr. Hadi kuncoro

Mrs. Ventya Gemma as vice president of lazada express explain about :

E-commerce is a a process selling goods or products by via online or can called as a business online.together with development advance technology and communication and increase amount smartphone user in Indonesia this make people interesting to open business online because Ecommerce get faster profit and always grow up. . But Ecommerce have advantages and disadvantages .

there are many of advantages shopping by online. Such as:
1. Easy to find products. You just need either your smartphone or others gadget and internet connection to find out what things you're looking for.
2. Its 24/7. Which means you can shop for any time you want to.
3. More reach to costumers. Easy way to sell products.
4. Low operational and better quality of services. We just need a good system to make all things run well. We also don't need to rent or buy any buildings. 
5. Easily select products without moving around. Which means even you're still in your blanket because you're just waking, up you still can go online shopping.

But e-commerce also have their own disadvantages. Such as:
1. There are many bad sites. Like we know we all have our competitors and trust is NO. 1 issue in this industry actually all industries. 
2. Mechanical failures. Hang is a bad one and also the moment when sites run down.
And this is E-commerce goals:
1. On Time Delivery. Every costumers want that service. They even expected like a flash delivery.
2. No Damage. Right package is everything. 
3. No Missing. Which costumers expect for that??!
4. Tracking by.All of us definitely want to be able tracking our orders.
5. Delivery miles update. Costumers are so freaking out. 
6. Inventory accuracy. Because basically we sell things and we have to get something like profit.
7. Fifo. Systematic of classification that depends on expired date or needed.
8. IT integrated. Technology and system are so important.
9. High Productivity. Always developing,always bring something new.
Ecommerce is make easier costumers to find products that their wants and needs.

Mr.Hadi Kuncoro expain about :
 E-commerce is a business online and A-Commerce is a company provide anything that makes E-commerce company going in their way wanted to. A-commerce provides system, design, supply, distribution and etc. A-commerce company serve a service to business online anf to improve sales optimized service interaction between brand and costumers.

name : Maria Priscilia
NIM : 223414037
class : DIII Manajemen Logistik dan material 2014


Nama : Maria Priscilia
Kelas  : DIII Manajemen Logistik dan Material 2014
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Transpor Trisakti

Summary ini dibuat sebagai  tugas setelah presentasi materi tentang transportasi kereta api.

kereta api didefinisikan sebagai sarana transportasi berupa kendaraan dengan tenaga gerak, baik berjalan sendiri maupun dirangkaikan dengan kendaraan lainnya, yang akan ataupun sedang bergerak di rel. Dengan demikian kereta api hanya dapat bergerak/berjalan pada lintasan/jaringan rel yang sesuai dengan peruntukannya, hal ini menjadi keunggulannya karena tidak terganggu dengan lalu lintas lainnya, tetapi dilain pihak menjadikan kereta api menjadi angkutan yang tidak fleksibel karena jaringannya terbatas.

Kereta api merupakan alat transportasi massal yang umumnya terdiri dari lokomotif (kendaraan dengan tenaga gerak yang berjalan sendiri) dan rangkaian kereta atau gerbong (dirangkaikan dengan kendaraan lainnya). Rangkaian kereta api atau gerbong tersebut berukuran relatif luas sehingga mampu memuat penumpang maupun barang dalam skala besar. Untuk angkutan barang dalam jumlah yang besar dapat digunakan rangkaian lebih dari 50 kereta yang ditarik dan/atau didorong dengan beberapa buah lokomotif, seperti kereta api babaranjang (kereta api batutu bara rangkaian panjang)di Sumatera Selatan.
Kereta api merupakan angkutan yang efisien untuk jumlah penumpang yang tinggi sehingga sangat cocok untuk angkutan massal kereta api perkotaan pada koridor yang padat, tetapi juga digunakan untuk angkutan penumpang jarak menengah sampai dengan 3 atau 4 jam perjalanan ataupun untuk angkutan barang dalam jumlah yang besar dalam bentuk curah, seperti untuk angkutan batu bara. Karena sifatnya sebagai angkutan massal efektif, beberapa negara berusaha memanfaatkannya secara maksimal sebagai alat transportasi utama angkutan darat baik di dalam kota, antarkota, maupun antarnegara.
·         Jenis-jenis kereta api